
Backdoor jobs hyderabad

Backdoor jobs hyderabad , Jobs, IT Software, Hyderabad, Andhra-Pradesh



Dear Job seekers

This post is regards the BACKDOOR openings for level 3,4 companies for the post of ASSOCIATE SOFTWARE ENGINEER , TESTING ENGINEER and NETWORKING ENGINEER with the package of 2.4 l /anm to 3.2l/an

Location : Hyderabad

Package : 2.4 l/anm to 3.2l/anm.

Qualification : Any Degree,B.TECH

Technology : JAVA ,DOT NET, PHP , ANDROID , TESTING , Networking,

Year of pass out : 2012 to 2017

Bond : 1 year bond from the company.

Commitment : 1 L to 1.6 L

NOTE : There is no advance collected for this process .after getting the offer letter u need to pay.

 For more details send your profiles to


If u have any less percentage or backlogs also no problem. We have lot of Software openings in  Hyderabad. We can place you without any risk. Charges applicable. Mail me 


Interview will be conducted in the company itself.


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No Advance: 


Choose One Company that suits your profile and Verify about the Company and get back to me through mail 

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Call me on sruthi 9948982724

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Name :sruthi
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Locality :hyderabad
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2 weeks ago

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